Since 2018 - Agroforestry

Cacao Forest is a pioneering applied R&D project bringing together farmers, companies, researchers, consumers and NGOs to create innovative agricultural models that will improve cocoa quality, increase the productivity of cocoa trees and improve producers' quality of life while protecting the environment. 

2023 - Plot mapping

Funded by Valrhona, the project to map the plots of 386 producers was completed in 2023. It  enabled us to prove that cocoa is produced outside protected areas and has not contributed to deforestation.

Growing cocoa in the Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic, cocoa production is steeped in a rich history dating back to the Tainos, the island's first inhabitants. The cocoa varieties grown in the region are carefully monitored to prevent productive clones from taking over, thus preserving the distinctive and unique strain of Dominican cocoa, an ancestral heritage.

To support this age-old tradition, we work closely with local cooperatives, offering essential support to small producers. Through this collaboration, we aim to strengthen and empower rural communities, while promoting sustainable agricultural practices that preserve land for future generations through agroforestry.

Cocoa from the Dominican Republic embodies the fusion of tradition and innovation. By supporting small-scale farmers organized into cooperatives, we are helping to shape a future in which cocoa continues to play a central role in the economic and cultural fabric of the northern Dominican Republic.

Growing cocoa in the Dominican Republic

Founded in 1985, CONACADO (Confederación nacional de cacaocultores dominicanos) is today one of the biggest producer and exporting organizations in the country, and has over 10,000 members. The cooperative works to create a modern, internationally renowned cocoa sector that improves producers' incomes and allows their families to achieve a decent standard of living. It does this by focusing on producing high-quality cocoa and on sustainable farm management, coupled with support for community development and environmental protection


The cooperative works to create a modern, internationally renowned cocoa sector that improves producers’ incomes and allows their families to achieve a decent standard of living. It does this by focusing on producing high - quality cocoa and on sustainable farm management, coupled with support for community development and environmental protection. 
CONACADO’s numerous certifications - including Rainforest Alliance, UTZ, Fairtrade and Organic (USDA and EU) – are a testament to this commitment. The cooperative’s vision, history and respected position in the Dominican make it a partner of choice for Valrhona.

Dominican Republic Cocoa