Together, let’s save energy
You don’t need us to tell you that global temperatures are rising, endangering the planet and our food resources. It’s everyone’s duty to take the initiative and set an example by getting into sustainable habits.
Did you know a 20% cut in energy costs can represent the same bottom-line benefit as a 5% increase in sales? So what are we waiting for?
Value Natural Resources
Sweet gastronomy needs a lot of energy, particularly in terms of refrigeration and cooking, and therefore it’s a global warming contributor. The good news is that this is an area of sustainability where the interests of profit and planet directly align.
With a little organization and ingenuity, it’s possible to optimize your electricity consumption, especially if you rethink your baking practices
The renowned chef of Mono restaurant, Dafne Daniel-Soto, thinks ahead about how to cook her creations:
Dafne likes to use recipes that can be baked together. When I’m preparing my baking trays in the morning, I only need two batches, rather than several over the whole day. This is the case with biscuits and tuiles, for example, as they can go in the oven together. Biscuits go in the upper oven whilst tuiles go in the lower one, reducing the time the ovens need to be on and so saving energy and money.
This tried-and-tested method seems to be proof that you can make pastries and use less energy at the same time!