Published on 1/13/21

Amatika 46% by David Vidal - Scandinavia Vidal


1-In general, why did you decided to try and use VEGAN product?
I started to try and use more vegan products and try to create vegan desserts as the past couple of years I have noticed that people’s preferences are changing, and I think that it is very important to evolve as a chef and be able to have something to serve our guests at the restaurant.

2-Since when and how you did the transition from standard chocolate to VEGAN chocolate?
I've only recently start to use a milk chocolate that's vegan, this being Amatika. Before that I have always used inspiration couvertures or something really dark. It hasn't been so easy finding a good quality milk chocolate that is considered vegan, but this gives me a lot of opportunities. 

3-What do you think of the taste of AMATIKA?
I really enjoyed the taste of the chocolate as besides the notes you get of almond from the almond milk it is a really good milk chocolate like all milk chocolates from Valrhona.

4-What does this chocolate inspire you?
It actually inspires me to try new things and creating new vegan desserts which were to a certain degree were more limitless before when using milk chocolate to create plant-based desserts.

5-Is it easy to work with?
It has been very easy to work with Amatika, it has good fluidity and is easy to temper.

6-What uses do you recommend?
I think it’s pretty hard to recommend certain uses as I’ve been more trying to alter my recipes to use Amatika so I can have more recipes that are plant based and have been happy with the outcome. Vidal