Spring’s First Strawberries
Cercle V

Spring’s First Strawberries

Made with Strawberry Inspiration

An original recipe by Jérémy Aspa

6 steps

Makes six 16cm tarts

Recipe Step by Step


Opalys & Vanilla Namelaka

140g Whole UHT milk
2 Vanilla pods
7g Glucose DE 38/40
3,5g Powdered gelatin - 220 Bloom
18g Water for the gelatin
250g OPALYS 33 %
270g UHT cream 35%

Bring the milk to the boil with the scored vanilla pods. Infuse the pods for approx. 2 hours, then sieve the liquid through a chinois and add more milk to adjust the weight.
Heat the infused milk with the glucose. Add the rehydrated gelatin.
Slowly pour over the melted chocolate. Mix to form a perfect emulsion.
Add the cold liquid cream. Mix in the electric mixer again.
Leave to stiffen in the refrigerator, preferably overnight.

Strawberry Inspiration Whipped Ganache

140g Strawberry pulp
15g Glucose DE 38/40
15g Inverted sugar
460g UHT cream 35%

Heat the pulp along with the glucose and inverted sugar. Slowly pour this hot mixture over the melted fruit couverture. Immediately mix using an electric mixer to make a perfect emulsion. Add the cold liquid cream. Mix in the electric mixer again.
Store in the refrigerator and leave to stiffen, preferably overnight. Whip until firm.

Pistachio Sponge

160g Raw Iranian pistachios
30g Pure pistachio paste
130g Caster sugar
240g Whole eggs
65g Dry butter 84%
50g Egg whites
30g Caster sugar

Grind the pistachios, pistachio paste and sugar in an electric mixer, then add the eggs and whip up the mixture for approx. 10 minutes.
Incorporate the tempered butter at the end of the process.
At the same time, beat the egg whites with the caster sugar.
Gently mix these two mixtures.

Almond Shortcrust Pastry

740g Traditional French wheat flour
380g Dry butter 84%
280g Icing sugar
95g Powdered blanched almonds
5g Salt
160g Whole eggs

Mix the powdered ingredients with the very cold, cubed butter until it resembles crumbs. As soon as the mixture is completely smooth, add the cold eggs.
As soon as you obtain an even dough, stop mixing. Store in the refrigerator or spread out immediately. Bake at 300°F (150°C).
Tip: You can use offcuts from the shortcrust you’ve made as part of your daily work on other products.

Strawberry Inspiration Pressed Shortcrust Pastry

200g Almond shortcrust pastry
140g Éclat d’or

Mix the baked shortcrust pastry into crumbs in a blender, then incorporate the Éclat d’Or and melted fruit couverture.

Absolu Spray Mix

450g Absolu Cristal Neutral Glaze
45g Water

Bring the neutral Absolu Cristal glazing to the boil in water.
Immediately apply using a spray gun at about 175°F (80°C).

Assembly and finishing

Spring’s First Strawberries

Make the namelaka and the whipped ganache. Store in the refrigerator. Make the shortcrust pastry and spread it out between two sheets of confectionery dipping paper to a thickness of 2.5mm before freezing. Use a piping bag with a 9mm nozzle to pipe of 110g of namelaka into ball shapes inside a 14cm-diameter ring. Freeze.
Use a piping bag with a 10mm petit-fours nozzle to pipe a random arrangement of whipped ganache onto the namelaka (See photo). Freeze. Turn out the desserts and spray on a layer of Absolu glaze. Line the tart tins with pastry, then use a 14cm-diameter ring to cut out their bases. Take the base offcuts and bake them at 320°F (160°C) for approx. 15 minutes. Make the pressed shortcrust pastry mix and press 90g into 14cm-diameter rings.
Store in the refrigerator.
Blind-bake the pressed shortcrust tart bases at 320°F (160°C) for 10 minutes. Make the pistachio sponge mix and pour 110g onto each tart base. Bake at 320°F (160°C) for approx. 15 minutes. Once the tarts are out of the oven, place the disks of pressed shortcrust on the sponge. Set aside. Turn the tarts over and place the circle of namelaka and whipped ganache over the visible part of the sponge.
Decorate your desserts with some quartered strawberries and your own Customized Logo Decoration.

Meet the Chef

Pastry Chef Trainer at Tain l’Hermitage

Jérémy Aspa

Learn more